Twenty-three belfries in the north of France and the belfry of Gembloux in Belgium were inscribed as a group, an extension ...
The Béguines were women who dedicated their lives to God without retiring from the world. In the 13th century they founded ...
Brugge is an outstanding example of a medieval historic settlement, which has maintained its historic fabric as this has evolved over ...
The construction of Bagrati Cathedral, named after Bagrat III, the first king of united Georgia, started at the end of the ...
The historic churches of Mtskheta, former capital of Georgia, are outstanding examples of medieval religious architecture in the Caucasus. They show ...
A landscaped park of 559.9 ha astride the Neisse River and the border between Poland and Germany, it was created by ...
Kutná Hora developed as a result of the exploitation of the silver mines. In the 14th century it became a royal ...
Mantua and Sabbioneta, in the Po valley, in the north of Italy, represent two aspects of Renaissance town planning: Mantua shows ...
Lübeck – the former capital and Queen City of the Hanseatic League – was founded in the 12th century and prospered ...
The site of the Dolomites comprises a mountain range in the northern Italian Alps, numbering 18 peaks which rise to above ...
Standing at the entrance to Lisbon harbour, the Monastery of the Hieronymites – construction of which began in 1502 – exemplifies ...
The Laurisilva of Madeira is an outstanding relict of a previously widespread laurel forest type. It is the largest surviving area ...